This was a more unusual and somewhat challenging succulent arrangement because it's in a wicker basket that I re-purposed from a gift hamper. I first made an inner lining with double-layers of plastic to keep the basket water-proof. Then, I filled the bottom with about one half-inch of river stones. The highlight is the mysterious-looking Echeveria 'Black Prince' with burgundy tips and a luminous green center. It sits in its own 4-inch container which I buried in the basket to keep the roots separate in case I have to move it at some stage. Next, I planted a ring of Sempervivum arachnoideum around it, followed by other Sempervivums, Sedums burrito, Senecio rowleyanus, and Crassula perforata in opposing diagonals.
With all the plants in place, I trimmed off the excess around the plastic lining as close to the edge of the basket as possible, and tucked the plastic into the basket. Finally, to hide the plastic lining and give it a finished look, the arrangement is dressed with some white gravel and given a little (just a little) water to help the roots settle in. This makes a wonderful, low-maintenance, dining table decorative arrangement that can be reused for multiple occasions. In between events, just leave in a sunny spot outdoors or near a window and keep it happy and lovely.
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